Controller Event Logs: Knowing What's Happening in Your System
Keeping Track of Hydrawise
Hydrawise logs all actions and activities. The results are stored in two locations: the Controller Event Log (available for end users and professionals) and the Customer Event log (available for professionals using the Multi-Site Manager feature).
The Controller Event Log
Both end users and professionals can view the Controller Event Log. This feature provides a detailed description of all controller actions, including manual operations, program changes, and the user who initiated changes. It is ideal for understanding controller actions and events at an individual site.
Mobile View
Computer View
The Controller Event Log reports on actions that occurred at the selected site. Hydrawise will show events in three different ways. You can select within the report or you can search for specific items, such as Zone names.
The Info tab displays all manual and automatic controller actions, such as manual start and stop, sprinkler operation, and program changes.
Manual operations are easily identified, as you can see name of the person who made the changes. If there is no name, the controller action was an automatic operation.
The Warning tab displays critical notifications that Hydrawise wants you to be aware of, such as Weather Station problems, Maximum SMS (text message) Alerts reached, and other important information.
The Error tab provides insights into problems that have occurred with your irrigation system. To receive Errors, you must first configure Alerts. Error messages include include over- and under-flow if you have a flow meter, over-current from bad field wiring, and similar information.
You can set Alerts by using the Alerts tab. To learn more about Alerts, click here.