We’ve been busy, have you noticed?
We launched our new Contractor Dashboard yesterday with lots of new functionality designed to help irrigation contractors manage their customers and their controllers more easily than ever.
If you already have a contractor account with us you can access it by logging into your account and clicking on the menu My Customers (this is in the top right corner menu with the gear icon).
If you don't have a contractor account, or you don't see the My Customers menu, then you can register for one free by following these steps.
So what's new?
Customer Maps!
All of your customer's controllers are displayed on a map showing you their status - from here you can configure your customers' controllers.
We've color coded most information - for example, a red controller icon means there's an issue with the customer's controller, green means everything is good, and yellow means that the controller doesn't have a serial number configured yet.
The new dashboard will also give you an overview of each customer you have, their status and all the controllers that you have access to.
Additionally you can create Hydrawise accounts for your customers, sell subscriptions if your customer wants them, and limit the changes that your customer can make to their controller.
Summary Dashboard
The new summary dashboard shows you the number of customer and controllers in your account plus information on the number of events and alerts across all of your customer's controllers.
This is a great spot to quickly find issues such as broken spray heads or wiring problems whilst you're on the road. With alert information at your fingertips you'll be able to resolve lots of issues without a site visit, or send the correct person on site to fix a problem.
Want more information?
Our apps will be updated with the new-look interface over the next week.
We’ll also be at the IA show in Long Beach California USA on November 11 & 12 - make sure you visit us at Booth 1262.