HydraWise irrigation controllers allow you to water wisely every day.
Using local weather stations your HydraWise irrigation controller will automatically adjust your watering schedule on an hour by hour basis. So your controller can save water when it rains or is cold and you can save your plants when it’s hot.
HydraWise customers’ statistics show that over the last year Melbourne-based customers saved over 50% of their annual water usage by automatically adjusting their watering schedules! The savings are similar for other Australian cities.
Full control from your web browser
You control your HydraWise Controller from your web browser – you can change settings from anywhere – your workplace, your home or even your iPhone – and your HydraWise Controller will automatically adjust to your settings.
Your dashboard will show your current watering schedule and allow you to manually override it.
Weather Conditions for your local area
Your dashboard will show local rainfall and current temperatures, plus a 3 day forecast for your area. At a glance you can see your controller’s status and current conditions.
Control your watering adjustments
Use simple sliders and toggles to automatically modify your watering schedules. Select temperature and rain thresholds when you want to suspend watering or water more. You’ll save water when it’s cold or wet and you’ll save your plants when it’s hot!
Best of all, you don’t need to plug your HydraWise controller into your computer and you don’t need to have your computer running for your Controller to work. Your HydraWise Controller automatically connects to the internet using a standard wireless router.